Many companies have mentioned they have used FDD methodology but I could not find any website or book which gives an example of case study and analyzes it.
Can anyone please give me a link to a case study example which has followed FDD methods?
A Case Study:Feature Driven Development
Reference FDD Case Study
Do the readers of this group think Petshop 4.1 is of an adequate size for FDD? Complete code already exists for this reference application.
Bob Palank
I wonder
Bob Palank
Not sure what you mean Bob. Do you mean to compare the code after the fact? That would be a comparison of modeling, design and implementation (coding) ability.
Or do you simply mean as an existing working app, it can be used as the domain reference and thus there can be no ambiguities in terms of the domain and functional requirements?
It is an interesting idea to try an "FDD live" for want of a better phrase. That is, a sort of mini-reality show on the web - an FDD-based mini project done completely transparently on the web, with mentoring, that anyone can join or view. Is there a group of people though that could seriously commit to the time it would take? Doing the model with a distributed team is the hardest part. After that, FDD can work well with distributed teams.
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I think this is a very good idea, and would be most happy to participate at any capacity.
FDD at iUniverse
While not close to a case study, I'm not sure if you've found this reference regarding the use of FDD at iUniverse (a few years ago).
I haven't retained a great deal of detail, if you have any additional specific questions that I might be able to assist with please feel free to let me know and I'll do my best to respond.