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 TopicRepliessort iconCreatedLast reply
How to Build a Features List and how to Plan By Feature620 years 42 weeks ago
by Rudy
20 years 27 weeks ago
by Jeff De Luca
Question on Planning by Feature620 years 43 weeks ago
by Dave Overall
20 years 41 weeks ago
by Jeff De Luca
Maintenance & FDD621 years 4 weeks ago
by Mark Ng
20 years 25 weeks ago
by szego
Teamworking versus Flexi-time621 years 25 weeks ago
by dja
19 years 45 weeks ago
by Anonymous
Software: ArgoUML621 years 35 weeks ago
by gavinb
19 years 11 weeks ago
by neobuddah
FDD - Web Development - Shortcomings717 years 33 weeks ago
by VP
17 years 22 weeks ago
by nbplopes
From an Economist article - sound familiar anyone??720 years 49 weeks ago
by steve palmer
20 years 47 weeks ago
by dja
Deriving features from use cases and non-fct. requirements721 years 4 weeks ago
by eefdd
20 years 47 weeks ago
by dja
Using Cumulative Flow Diagrams with FDD721 years 26 weeks ago
by dja
21 years 23 weeks ago
by pbradley
Team System 2008/2010 & FDD815 years 14 weeks ago
by DaveBerlin
13 years 36 weeks ago
by srfpala
FDDTracker New Pricing Model819 years 39 weeks ago
by Grant Cause
19 years 38 weeks ago
by admin
First cut of FDD Parking Lot Viewer available820 years 19 weeks ago
by Phil Haselden
20 years 13 weeks ago
by heptaman
The Domain is unitary - serious topic despite the flippant conclusion820 years 34 weeks ago
by pbradley
20 years 29 weeks ago
by pbradley
Bug / Defect fixes820 years 43 weeks ago
by Dave Overall
18 years 14 weeks ago
by Jeff De Luca
Looking for a FDD enabling tool820 years 44 weeks ago
by Rudy
20 years 6 weeks ago
by Anonymous
FDD and Requirements Management with Borland CaliberRM919 years 17 weeks ago
by dpolistchuck
19 years 15 weeks ago
by admin
When should a DM feature list be created?919 years 46 weeks ago
by Douglas English
19 years 33 weeks ago
by Anonymous (not verified)
Refactoring and FDD920 years 12 weeks ago
by dsadw
20 years 9 weeks ago
by Anonymous
UML Modeling Tools1014 years 44 weeks ago
by ericjsilva
13 years 25 weeks ago
by Jeff De Luca
FDD Group in LinkedIn ?1016 years 39 weeks ago
by JulianY
16 years 35 weeks ago
by Vernon
Framework as semi-finished product and component reuse1017 years 29 weeks ago
by darya
17 years 22 weeks ago
by pbradley
Partial Success partially using FDD;')1019 years 9 weeks ago
by akinsgre
19 years 7 weeks ago
by Anonymous
Feature--FeatureSet1020 years 27 weeks ago
by Anonymous
20 years 27 weeks ago
by Jeff De Luca
FDD should be seen as a Lean Development Method1021 years 33 weeks ago
by dja
21 years 24 weeks ago
by Jeff De Luca
Does class ownership really work1120 years 44 weeks ago
by Rudy
20 years 43 weeks ago
by nbplopes
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