![]() | A Practical Guide to Feature-Driven Development (The Coad Series) author: Stephen R. Palmer John M. Felsing asin: 0130676152 binding: Paperback list price: $39.99 USD amazon price: $32.92 USD |
Written by Steve Palmer - a great Chief Programmer.
![]() | A Practical Guide to Feature-Driven Development (The Coad Series) author: Stephen R. Palmer John M. Felsing asin: 0130676152 binding: Paperback list price: $39.99 USD amazon price: $32.92 USD |
Written by Steve Palmer - a great Chief Programmer.
![]() | Agile Software Development Ecosystems author: Jim Highsmith asin: 0201760436 binding: Paperback list price: $54.99 USD amazon price: $46.12 USD |
The only book that discusses all the founding Agile methods in one place. Read it and one or two of the methods will resonate with you. They're the ones you'll want to explore further - with one caveat. What resonates for you may not resonate with your company. You have to able to sell it.
![]() | Are Your Lights On?: How to Figure Out What the Problem Really Is author: Donald C. Gause; Gerald M. Weinberg asin: 0932633161 binding: Paperback list price: $13.95 USD amazon price: $12.55 USD |
A great book on problem solving. People that have seen me speak about how visually expressive and visually explicit models are compared to how ambiguous and vague the written word can be, will recognize the "Mary had a little lamb" example from this book. Anything written by Weinberg is worth reading.
![]() | The Psychology of Computer Programming: Silver Anniversary Edition author: Gerald M. Weinberg asin: 0932633420 binding: Paperback list price: $44.95 USD amazon price: $40.45 USD |
One of the most famous books on programming. Anything written by Weinberg is worth reading. I once told Jerry that much of his stuff (and others) I read and then go "I wish I wrote that.". He replied something like "yes I used to think that way too then I learned to just be glad that I read it." 'nuff said?
![]() | Quality Software Management: Anticipating Change (Quality Software Management) author: Gerald M. Weinberg asin: 0932633323 binding: Hardcover list price: $44.95 USD amazon price: $35.96 USD |
The last of a four volume series. Anything written by Weinberg is worth reading. I once told Jerry that much of his stuff (and others) I read and then go "I wish I wrote that.". He replied something like "yes I used to think that way too then I learned to just be glad that I read it." 'nuff said?
![]() | Quality Software Management: Congruent Action (Quality Software Management) author: Gerald M. Weinberg asin: 0932633285 binding: Hardcover list price: $39.95 USD amazon price: $31.96 USD |
The third of a four volume series. Anything written by Weinberg is worth reading. I once told Jerry that much of his stuff (and others) I read and then go "I wish I wrote that.". He replied something like "yes I used to think that way too then I learned to just be glad that I read it." 'nuff said?
![]() | Quality Software Management: First-Order Measurement (Quality Software Management) author: Gerald M. Weinberg asin: 0932633242 binding: Hardcover list price: $43.95 USD amazon price: $43.95 USD |
The second of a four volume series. Anything written by Weinberg is worth reading. I once told Jerry that much of his stuff (and others) I read and then go "I wish I wrote that.". He replied something like "yes I used to think that way too then I learned to just be glad that I read it." 'nuff said?
![]() | Quality Software Management: Systems Thinking (Quality Software Management) author: Gerald M. Weinberg asin: 0932633226 binding: Hardcover list price: $41.95 USD amazon price: $41.95 USD |
The first of a four volume series. Anything written by Weinberg is worth reading. I once told Jerry that much of his stuff (and others) I read and then go "I wish I wrote that.". He replied something like "yes I used to think that way too then I learned to just be glad that I read it." 'nuff said?
![]() | Understanding the Professional Programmer author: Gerald M. Weinberg asin: 0932633099 binding: Paperback list price: $24.95 USD amazon price: $24.95 USD |
A gem of a book. The analogy early in the book re: waitering and programming is brilliant as is the little Fortran code snippet and the very powerful lessons drawn from it. Worth it just for those two inisghts alone. Anything written by Weinberg is worth reading. I once told Jerry that much of his stuff (and others) I read and then go "I wish I wrote that.". He replied something like "yes I used to think that way too then I learned to just be glad that I read it." 'nuff said?
![]() | Fatal Defect: : Chasing Killer Computer Bugs author: Ivars Peterson asin: 0812920236 binding: Hardcover list price: $25.00 USD amazon price: $25.00 |
A refreshingly different take on debugging and hence design. One of my favourites.