A-Shelf Book

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More Effective C++

cover of More Effective C++More Effective C++: 35 New Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs

author: Scott Meyers
asin: 020163371X
binding: Paperback
list price: $49.99 USD
amazon price: $40.94 USD

Wow - all programming books should be written like this (and a few others have since followed). Meyers doesn't just say "do this" he says: achieve this goal and you would probably go about this way, but that would have these problems, so you would probably change it to this, but then that would introduce these other concerns, and so on it goes... In other words, he teaches by example all the commmon alternative implementation approaches to stated goal or tip. Thus ensuring that not only is there buy-in to the tip or goal but that there is a deep understanding of why and of a number of related concerns.

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C++ FAQs

cover of C++ FAQsC++ FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

author: Marshall P. Cline
Greg A. Lomow
asin: 0201589583
binding: Paperback
list price: $36.95 USD
amazon price: $36.95

A bit dated but a great book and Cline is a great teacher.

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Java Design 2nd Ed.

cover of Java Design 2nd Ed.Java Design: Building Better Apps and Applets (2nd Edition)

author: Peter Coad
Mark Mayfield
Jonathan Kern
asin: 0139111816
binding: Paperback
list price: $44.99 USD
amazon price: $44.99

The first book to consider Java-inspired design and modeling. Coad was way ahead of the pack in moving from inheritance to composition and designing with interfaces.

Jeff De Luca's picture

Effective Java

cover of Effective JavaEffective Java Programming Language Guide

author: Joshua Bloch
asin: 0201310058
binding: Paperback
list price: $54.99 USD
amazon price: $44.87 USD

Coding standards on a project should be like this book. ie. not just syntactic standards, but semantic standards as well and with an appropriate level of explanation and instruction. Every Java project should have this book.

Jeff De Luca's picture

The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering, 20th Anniversary Edition

cover of The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering, 20th  Anniversary EditionThe Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering, 20th Anniversary Edition

author: Frederick P. Brooks
asin: 0201835959
binding: Paperback
list price: $39.99 USD
amazon price: $31.78 USD

One of the books everyone should read. Many great messages - it's not linear, division of labor vs conceptual integrity of the whole, and of course no silver bullet. Harlan Mills surgical teams (FDD feature teams) are described here.

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