A-Shelf Book

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Visual Explanations

cover of Visual ExplanationsVisual Explanations: Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative

author: Edward R. Tufte
asin: 0961392126
binding: Hardcover
list price: $45.00 USD
amazon price: $32.40 USD

The third book in a series on information display. Deals with information that changes over time. Anything written by Tufte is worth reading.

Jeff De Luca's picture

The Visual Display Of Quantitative Information

cover of The Visual Display Of Quantitative InformationThe Visual Display of Quantitative Information

author: Edward R. Tufte
asin: 096139210X
binding: Hardcover
list price: $40.00 USD
amazon price: $40.00

The book for anyone involved in showing numerical data graphically. Anything written by Tufte is worth reading.

Jeff De Luca's picture

Envisioning Information

cover of Envisioning InformationEnvisioning Information

author: Edward R. Tufte
asin: 0961392118
binding: Hardcover
list price: $48.00 USD
amazon price: $34.56 USD

One of the most beautiful and stunning books I have ever read. Expensive, but worth several times the price. It has directly influenced me in several ways. It forever changed the way I go about communication and presenting tabular data. This book was the direct influence for the FDD processes and the template (layout) they use - which have received acclaim from many people worldwide (even those that are not fans of FDD are fans of the process templates). Anything written by Tufte is worth owning.

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Design, Form, and Chaos

cover of Design, Form, and ChaosDesign, Form, and Chaos

author: Mr. Paul Rand
asin: 0300055536
binding: Hardcover
list price: $60.00 USD
amazon price: $60.00

Beautiful. Inspirational. One of the world's great designers.

Jeff De Luca's picture

The Form Of The Book

cover of The Form Of The BookThe Form of the Book: Essays on the Morality of Good Design (Classic Typography Series)

author: Jan Tschichold
Hajo Hadeler
asin: 0881791164
binding: Paperback
list price: $19.95 USD
amazon price: $19.95

Beautiful. I consider it very important and it (and New Typography) has had a great influence on me.

Jeff De Luca's picture

The New Typography

cover of The New TypographyThe New Typography (Weimar and Now : German Cultural Criticism)

author: Jan Tschichold
asin: 0520071468
binding: Hardcover
list price: $65.00 USD
amazon price: $65.00 USD

Beautiful. I consider it very important and it (and The Form Of The Book) has had a great influence on me.

Jeff De Luca's picture

How Buildings Learn

cover of How Buildings LearnHow Buildings Learn: What Happens After They're Built

author: Stewart Brand
asin: 0140139966
binding: Paperback
list price: $30.00 USD
amazon price: $19.80 USD

A stunning book on design and entropy. Yes - it really is about buildings but there is much we can learn - it's "what happens after they're built."

Jeff De Luca's picture

Object Technology: A Manager's Guide 2nd Ed.

cover of Object Technology: A Manager's Guide 2nd Ed.Object Technology: A Manager's Guide (2nd Edition)

author: David A. Taylor
asin: 0201309947
binding: Paperback
list price: $44.99 USD
amazon price: $38.62 USD

The first edition was great and the second edition is even better. The book I give out to all managers or executives that needed to understand what this OO project was about. It takes great skill to condense down complex topics to a simplicity and clarity that Taylor has achieved here. Still a great read and very useful to anyone wanting a quick but valuable intro to OO.

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Object Lessons

cover of Object LessonsObject Lessons: Lessons Learned in Object-Oriented Development Projects

author: Tom Love
asin: 0134724321
binding: Paperback
list price: $55.00 USD
amazon price: $55.00 USD

This is a fantastic book. I used to give it out on all my OO projects to people that didn't "get it." More than just OO though it also teaches a great deal about the truths of software development.

Jeff De Luca's picture

Inside Taligent Technology

no imageInside Taligent Technology (Inside Taligent Series)

author: Sean Cotter
Michael J. Potel
asin: 0201409704
binding: Paperback
list price: $29.95 USD
amazon price: $29.95

Old and a project that is (sadly) no longer, but many of the ideas are still terrific. Also has great descriptions of OO concepts and approaches (commands, selections, MVP, etc.).

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