Feature Driven Development Presentation

Hey Everyone,

I gave a FDD lecture last week (29/6/2006) at the Agile Israel User group.

If anyone's interested here are links to the presentation:
PDF - attached to this post.

PPT - http://www.JustinAngel.Net/files/FeatureDrivenDevelopment.ppt
Webcast (WMV) - http://ttvv.tv/users/publicftp/justinangel/webcast-fdd.wmv (hebrew only, sorry)

The presentation decribes:
- why do we need Agile methodlogies
- what are the common problems with Agile solutions
- eXtreme Programming's limitations
- How Feature-Driven Development solves the common agile issues
- An walkthrough of the FDD process demonstrated with an unusel problem domain - COWS!

FeatureDrivenDevelopment.pdf605.76 KB